Bizz Summit 2023

Three men standing on a stage in front of the Bizz Summit Logo 2023

One more year the biggest community event in Spain about Business Applications took place in Madrid, and once again it exceeded all expectations. On Friday 29th September and Saturday 30th October, we had two days full of sessions, workshops, a hackathon, a youth track for the little ones and fantastic keynotes to kick off each day.

Bizz Summit 2023 in Madrid

It is absolutely amazing to see so many people happy to give to and receive from the community. It's amazing because being part of the community means giving your time and effort in a selfless way so that others can improve and advance their careers in the world of business applications.

From the organisers themselves, a group of Microsoft MVPs who have spent a year preparing for the event, to the attendees themselves, without whom none of this would be possible, to the speakers who delivered wonderful technical sessions, to the volunteers who made sure the logistics ran smoothly.

Man speaking during a presentation
Man standing on a stage during the Bizz Summit 2023
Man in front of an audience at Bizz Summit 2023

The Bizz Summit is a community event, but it has reached such a scale and importance that Microsoft has become fully involved. The event began with a keynote speech by David Hurtado, Lead Innovation of Microsoft Spain, Juan Chinchilla, Director of Business Applications Microsoft Spain and Alberto Granados, none other than the President of Microsoft Spain. We also had the participation of Cristina González, MVP Programme Manager in many countries, who always supports the MVP community and who presented the Saturday keynote together with Leon Welicki, Chief Product Officer of Power Apps (who joined us from Redmond). We also had the presence and participation of Lydia Mora, Head of Channel Partners Microsoft Education, who played an active role in the Youth Track, where children aged 8 to 12 presented projects related to Minecraft as a fascinating promise for the future.

Man standing in front of a building

From a personal point of view, it was the perfect opportunity to meet and talk to acquaintances, friends, MVPs and even strangers, people who follow me as a content creator and stopped me to say hello and thank me for my work. Sharing knowledge is always a positive thing, and when someone says "your videos help me a lot" it is truly gratifying.

I had the privilege (and pressure of responsibility) of giving a session on Saturday which I called "From SharePoint to Dataverse, a one-way journey" where the room was packed and I managed to make it interesting enough for people to interact and ask questions during and after the session, making it very dynamic, fun and interesting in equal parts.

And with that, the Bizz Summit came to an end, a very special edition, which for most of them was their first experience of such an event, and which promises to see many of the same faces next year, and certainly many new ones. Until then, happy coding!

You want to learn more?
Get in touch with me.

Ignacio Cepa Sandi

Power Platform Tech Lead​
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
Ignacio Cepa Sandi