Regatta Time

On a sunny Friday afternoon in September, our team was called in for a surprise team event in front of the Mapfre Tower. Everyone was guessing what to expect, the most important clue being an email that said: «Comfortable clothes and trainers with white soles».
Anticipation was high and as we made our way to the harbor, it was clear: we were going sailing! Divided into 3 teams, the crew boarded the boats with one goal in mind: to win the race! The skipper of each boat explained the rules and the most important navigation points for a successful sailing experience, and then it was time to start the regatta.
After getting the sail down, which included a demonstration of the strength of our teammates, we started to navigate the sea. Each crewmate had an assigned role to ensure that we didn’t end up on the sea, waiting to be rescued.
We are going sailing!
After an amazing experience and 3 competitive races, team one was declared as the regatta's winner, cue for some celebratory cava. After that some «Pica Pica» and beers for the whole crew were due, we got to talk, laugh, and share together, even with remote teammates we normally don't see often.
The crew together at sea
Click for some impressions